Use AI to analyse interviews and instantly discover product opportunities

Use AI to analyse interviews and instantly discover product opportunities

Use AI to analyse interviews and instantly discover product opportunities

Trusted by the best to 10X their product decisions

Trusted by the best to 10X their product decisions

Join our alpha testers who are already using Continuous to supercharge
product development at Australias top startups and scale-ups

Join our alpha testers who are already using Continuous to supercharge product development at Australias top startups and scale-ups

Continuous is your secret weapon to build products people love

Continuous is your secret weapon to build products people love

Save weeks on research

Stop spending hours manually analysing interviews, generate instant AI summaries in second

Ship with confidence

Stop guessing what users want, build genuine user empathy and conviction on what they need

With Continuous, best in class research takes
just two steps and only minutes

1 | Tell us about your research and upload interviews

Input your learning objectives and upload your audio or video files.
We handle transcription, analysis and synthesis of research all in one platform.

2 | Discover high conviction product opportunities

Explore insights across your research and dive deeper into each interview summary.

We ensure you can build conviction on insights by citing quotes and source interviews

2 | Discover high conviction product opportunities

Explore insights across your research and dive deeper into each interview summary.
We ensure you can build conviction on insights by citing quotes and source interviews

Today you can unearth insights for free with our alpha

Alpha testing sign up (8 spots left)


Unlimited research projects

Unlimited transcription

Unlimited analysis

Product discovery coaching




10 projects

1 seat




25 projects

10 seats

Collaborative insights dashboard

Save weeks on research

Stop spending hours manually analysing interviews, generate instant AI summaries in second

Ship with confidence

Stop guessing what users want, build genuine user empathy and conviction on what they need

Good product people are experts in product.
Great product people are experts in their customer.

Roy M

Founder at Reggie Health

"By far the best tool i've used for user research. Having all insights collated in one place is integral, especially for me as a CEO doing founder led sales and managing investor conversations."

James Entwisle

Product Manager at Harken

"My job as a PM is to make sense of insights, not to spend hours finding them among 10,000 word transcripts. It saves time on analysis so I can spend more time thinking about how the outcomes of research will re- shape my roadmap."


Head of Science at

"For me it makes communicating to my team so much easier. Decisions are simple when I can point to a body of evidence and say, look, this is what our customers are saying and this is what I think we should do about it."

"You have two jobs,
build your product
and talk to users.
Nothing else matters."

Paul Graham, Founder of Y Combinator

You're minutes away from finding new, needle moving insights

You're minutes away from finding new, needle moving insights

1st place product
at ANZs largest generative AI demo day

We've been built by product people, for product people from day 1.

1 | Tell us about your research and upload interviews

Input your learning objectives and upload your audio or video files.
We handle transcription, analysis and synthesis of research all in one platform.

2 | Discover high conviction product opportunities

Explore insights across your research and dive deeper into each interview summary.

We ensure you can build conviction on insights by citing quotes and source interviews

With Continuous, best in class research takes
just two steps and only minutes

Today you can unearth insights for free with our alpha

Alpha testing sign up (8 spots left)


Unlimited research projects

Unlimited transcription

Unlimited analysis

Product discovery coaching




10 projects

1 seat




25 projects

10 seats

Collaborative insights dashboard

Good product people are experts in product.
Great product people are experts in their customer.

Roy M

Founder at Reggie Health

"By far the best tool i've used for user research. Having all insights collated in one place is integral, especially for me as a CEO doing founder led sales and managing investor conversations."

James Entwisle

Product Manager at Harken

"My job as a PM is to make sense of insights, not to spend hours finding them among 10,000 word transcripts. It saves time on analysis so I can spend more time thinking about how the outcomes of research will re- shape my roadmap."


Head of Science at

"For me it makes communicating to my team so much easier. Decisions are simple when I can point to a body of evidence and say, look, this is what our customers are saying and this is what I think we should do about it."

"You have two jobs,
build your product
and talk to users.
Nothing else matters."

Paul Graham, Founder of Y Combinator

You're minutes away from finding new, needle moving insights

1st place product
at ANZs largest generative AI demo day

We've been built by product people, for product people from day 1.